As you all know there are three branches of an Embassy, we were just able to watch this in action with the recent verdict from t

28 Jul 2022, 18:44
All, As you all know there are three branches of an Embassy, we were just able to watch this in action with the recent verdict from the Jury and resolution from the Ambassador Chairs. There is a Judicial representative for each Branch, that we have termed the Judicial Chair: The Judicial Chair is responsible for the following: * help with writing incident reports and responses * carry information between Jury and branch chairs * help chairs come to consensus and resolve disputes within the branch * conduct polls to pass resolutions between branch chairs * provide advice for difficult situations * manage recovery phrases for branch in case arm requires password change (lost, stolen, or someone on trial) * vote for Judicial support (1/3) related to emergency protocol requests for branch * manage and file documents for branch such as keeping operating agreement up to date with current chairs, resolutions passed, and meeting minutes. The Judicial chair is a non-voting member of the branch they represent, who is involved in the day to day activities of the branch. Previous to now - I have been fulfilling the role of Judicial Chair for both the Ambassador and Developer branches, but from here forward @sleepingboodah will serve as Judicial Chair for the Ambassador Branch and I will continue to serve as the Judicial Chair for the Developer Branch. Judicial Chairs are subject to the same accountability as any chair, and thus can be recalled, barred, or warned if incidents are raised against them. They do not have a vote in the branch they represent - only for Judicial related polls such as outlined above. Judicial Chairs represent one arm in the Judicial Branch, and thus vote in and out members just as any other arm; so on that note I’d like to extend a big thank you to @sleepingboodah for accepting the invitation!